

Ai高考 · 四六级英语




101. destructive a. 破坏性的 The weapon has a great ~ power.

102. deteriorate v. 恶化 His health has ~d.

103. deviate from v. 偏离 He ~d from the society by becoming a drug addict.

104. dignity n. 尊严

105. dilemma n. 困境 A doctor’s ~ ----- to lie or to tell the truth?

106. diminish v. 变少

107. disable v. 丧失能力

108. disastrous a. 灾难性的

109. discern v. 看出, 识别 ~ the differences of the two

~ a representative/ message

111. disperse v. 分散,消散,驱散~ my attention/ The wind ~d the fog. The children ~d after the class.

112. disposition n. 性情=temperament

113. distort v. 歪曲

A loud noise diverted my attention from the work.

115. dizzy a. 头晕的

Have you ~d blood?

He is doomed to failure.

118. drastic a. 严厉的 ~ measures

One of the ~s of living in the XIASHA is inconvenience in daily life.

120. duplicate v. /n. 复制 (品) make a ~ of the letter

121. dwell on v. 总是想;详述 Don’t ~ on the past.

122. elevate v. 提高;抬升 An elevator can ~ to the top floor very soon.

123. elicit v. 诱出, 引出 ~ the truth from the witness

John is an ~bachelor.

125. elite n. 精英

126. eloquent a. 雄辩的 Martin Luther King was an ~speaker.

127. energetic a. 精力充沛的=vigorous

128. epidemic n./a. 流行病; 流行性的Sars, the bird’s flu.

129. erupt v. 喷发 A volcano ~s. /The audience ~ed with laughter.

130. essence n. 实质; 精华 the ~ of his theory/ in ~

131. eternal a. 永久的=perpetual/permanent/forever

The song ~d a feeling of love in the listeners.

133. expedition n. 远征(队);考察(队)

expel the smoke in the kitchen

135. expire v. 期满 Your passport ~s in a month.

136. expertise n. 专门知识

137. explicit a. 明确的His statement is ~, not implicit.

You’re ~ while I’m thrifty.

The man’s statement is `~d.

140. facilitate a. 使便利 The multi-languages signs ~ the tourists

141. fascinate v. 迷住 I’m ~d by the beauty of Li Jiang and Da li.

142. feeble a. 虚弱的=weak/faint

143. flaw n. 缺陷 I can’t find a ~ ,the painting is perfect!

144. fluctuate n. 波动

145. formulate v. 构想

~ a child

147. fragile a. 易碎的;脆弱的

148. furious a. 暴怒的

The ~ of old town, such as LiJiang, Dali.

All that ~s is not gold.

151. gloomy a. 忧郁的;阴暗的 a ~ day/future

Gossips are like rumors.

153. grief n. 悲伤 =sorrow

Rescue work was hampered by the heavy rain.