

Ai高考 · 高中英语




afford 付得起 agree 同意 apply 申请 arrange 安排

ask 要求 care 想要 choose 决定 decide 决定

demand 要求 desire 请求 determine 决心 expect 期待

help 帮助 hope 希望 intend 打算 manage 设法

offer 主动提出 plan 计划 prepare 准备 pretend 假装

promise 答应 refuse 拒绝 want 想要 wish 希望


She walked up to the desk and asked to see the manager. 她走到办公桌前要求见经理。

If you would care to leave your name, we’ll get in touch as soon as possible. 请留下您的名字,我们尽快和您联系。

He applied to be transferred. 他申请调动工作。(from www.网址未加载)

There have been fewer problems for travelers who chose to fly. 对于选择乘飞机旅游的人来说问题更少。

After much discussion they decided to accept our offer. 经过反复讨论,他们决定接受我们开的价。

If I fail to appear by 7 o’clock, I will not be coming at all. 如果我七点钟不到,我就不会来了。

I wanted to speak to the manager but I got his secretary instead. 我想找经理说话,可是接电话的是他的秘书。



admit 承认 advise 建议 allow 允许 appreciate 感激

avoid 避免 consider 考虑 delay 推迟 deny 否认

discuss 讨论 dislike 不喜欢 enjoy 喜爱 escape 逃脱

excuse 原谅 fancy 设想 finish 完成 forbid 禁止

forgive 原谅 give up 放弃 imagine 想像 keep 保持

mention 提及 mind 介意 miss 没赶上 pardon 原谅

permit允许 practise 练习 prevent 阻止 prohibit 禁止

put off 推迟 report 报告 risk 冒险 stop 停止

suggest 建议 understand 理解


I admit breaking the window. 我承认窗子是我打破的。

We do not allow / permit smoking in the kitchen. 我们不允许在厨房里吸烟。

I appreciate being given this opportunity. 非常感谢给了我这个机会。

I avoided mentioning the subject in case he should be offended. 我回避提及这个问题,以免触犯他。

He suggested taking the children to the zoo. 他提议带孩子们去动物园。

【说明】advise, allow, forbid, permit等动词之后,虽然不能直接跟不定式作宾语,但可接不定式作宾语补足语。如:

The doctor advised me to stay in for a few days. 医生嘱我在家休息几天。

The nurse allowed him to remain there, though it was not permitted. 护士让他留在那儿,而按规定那是不许可的。

My father forbade me to watch TV. 我父亲不准我看电视。

Permit me to introduce myself. 请允许我介绍自己。(from www.网址未加载)

而有些动词(如consider, understand, discuss)则可接“疑问词+不定式”作宾语。如:

Have you considered how to get there? 你是否考虑过如何到那儿去?

She doesn’t understand how to look after him. 她不知道应如何照顾他。

We discussed what to do and where we should go. 我们讨论了该怎么办及到哪里去。





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