

Ai高考 · 院校信息



华中农业大学来自卢旺达的博士留学生BERNARD NTEZIMANA说道:“The Beijing 2022 Olympic winter Games,from its opening ceremony,seeing many different countries represented and impressive Chinese preparation to welcome this games,we keenly waiting for the competition to begin.”(从北京2022年冬季奥运会的开幕式上,我们看到了许多不同国家的代表,中国为迎接赛事所做的准备也让人印象深刻。这些都让我们热切地等待着比赛开始。)

与BERNARD NTEZIMANA一同观看开幕式的巴基斯坦博士留学生Ali Abbas说道:“What an incredible opening ceremony!This is the first time I've ever seen anything like that in an Olympics.I am proud to see a flying falg from Pakistan participating in this magnificent event.The part where they create snowflakes of different countries by lighting,the light show was breathtaking,and the performance by a young trumpet player,barely older than eight years,left me speechless.Together for the shared future!”(真是不可思议的开幕式!这是我第一次在奥运会上看到这样的事情。我很高兴看到一只巴基斯坦猎鹰参加这次盛事。他们通过灯光创造出不同国家的雪花灯光秀美得让人窒息,一位刚满八岁的年轻小号手的精彩表演令人无以言表。一起向未来!)

“Athletes from all countries who poke me the most get welcomed in order of the number of Chinese strokes they make,not alphabetically in English!”他继续说道:“I mean,the entire culture has grown!The scene is breathtaking.The ice and snow flak,as well as the Chinese knot with the tiger motif,are incredible.I can't brag about myself.”(在所有国家的运动员入场仪式中最打动我的,是按他们的中文笔画数的顺序来入场欢迎,而不是按英文字母顺序!整个中国文化都发展了!场面令人叹为观止。冰雪的空中表演,还有中国结加上老虎的图案,都是不可思议的。太值得点赞了。)

“The Olympics are inherently a very important historical event and bring different nations together,I am very happy and pleased to witness the opening ceremony of the 24th Winter Olympics placed in Beijing.”((奥运会本身就是一个非常重要的历史事件,它把不同的国家聚集在一起,我非常高兴地看到第24届冬季奥运会在北京开幕。)来自阿富汗的博士留学生ALAMI MOHAMMAD MURTAZA谈道。

谈及奥运会的意义以及他对于北京冬奥会开幕式的观感,ALAMI MOHAMMAD MURTAZA说:“The opening ceremony was held in spite of the difficult and unknown conditions of the pandemic,with political representatives and athletes from different countries.As I expected the opening ceremony was very well organized and planned with spectacular presentations and decoration.Personally,I have a very good feeling about the Olympics,these games cause all those long-standing suspicions and animosities between nations to disappear little by little,and the world is approaching its same goal,which is unity and empathy.During the years that I have been in China,it has become very clear to me that the People’s Republic of China is always trying to bring all nations together and eliminate all those differences.Finally,I wish good luck and health to all the athletes,and congratulations in advance to all the medalists and those who participated in holding these games.”(开幕式是在新冠疫情的困难和未知条件下举行的,来自不同国家的代表和运动员参加了开幕式。正如我所预料的那样,开幕式组织得非常好,策划精心,场面壮观。就我个人而言,我对奥运会有一种十分美好的感觉,奥运会使国家间长期存在的猜疑和仇恨逐渐消失,世界正在走向同一个目标,那就是团结和同情。我在中国的这些年里,我非常清楚地认识到,中国一直在努力使所有国家团结起来,消除分歧。最后,我祝愿所有的运动员拥有好运、身体健康,并提前向所有奖牌获得者和参与举办这些比赛的人送上祝贺。




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